Consolidated Company
As at 31st March, 2014 2013 2014 2013
Notes Rs. ’000 (Restated)
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000
Non-Current Assets
Property, plant & equipment 14 38,217,400 37,196,871 5,171,645 5,133,138
Investment properties 15 1,453,444 688,041
Biological assets 16 266,508 235,020
Intangible assets 17 5,541,287 5,358,548
Investments in subsidiaries 18 9,046,171 8,673,205
Investments in equity accounted investees 18 247,336 268,803
Other non-current financial assets 19 324,157 366,970 166,704 179,174
Other non-current assets 20 350,423 190,647
Deferred tax assets 27 397,596 352,206
Total non-current assets 46,798,151 44,657,106 14,384,520 13,985,517
Current Assets
Inventories 21 12,098,864 10,277,469 1,046 1,282
Amounts due from subsidiaries 39 1,092,669 1,446,449
Amounts due from equity accounted investees 39 9,040 1,334
Trade and other receivables 22 16,589,706 15,169,476 9,991 25,577
Other current assets 22 1,457,925 1,232,130 8,134 14,670
Income tax recoverable 30 170,888 228,895 3,840
Other current financial assets 19 53,388 49,738 21,906 22,778
Short-term deposits 1,536,101 998,646
Cash at bank and in hand 2,637,706 2,125,511 155,211 49,993
Assets classified as held for sale 40 3,021 3,021
Total current assets 34,556,639 30,086,220 1,288,957 1,564,589
Total assets 81,354,790 74,743,326 15,673,477 15,550,106


Consolidated Company
As at 31st March, 2014 2013 2014 2013
Notes Rs. ’000 (Restated)
Rs. ’000
Rs. ’000 Rs. ’000
Equity and Liabilities
Stated capital 23 1,575,000 1,575,000 1,575,000 1,575,000
Employee share trust loan 23 (488,261) (489,887) (488,261) (489,887)
Capital reserves 1,429,680 1,377,676 13,226 13,226
Other components of equity 8,969,910 9,000,862 4,861,023 4,861,023
Revenue reserves 12,236,713 10,788,133 2,307,827 2,187,419
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 23,723,042 22,251,784 8,268,815 8,146,781
Non-controlling interest 12,614,224 11,173,102
Total equity 36,337,266 33,424,886 8,268,815 8,146,781
Non-Current Liabilities
Interest-bearing borrowings 25 9,207,019 5,671,153 3,873,705 910,000
Grants 26 742,077 783,222
Deferred tax liabilities 27 1,249,361 1,035,201
Employee benefit obligations 28 4,630,864 4,285,224 450,560 372,714
Total non-current liabilities 15,829,321 11,774,800 4,324,265 1,282,714
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 29 11,679,828 10,990,286 336,705 282,130
Provisions 29 28,792 37,232
Other current liabilities 29 366,037 22,040 10,011 14,229
Other current financial liabilities 19 58,653 58,653
Amounts due to subsidiaries 23,557 668,608
Amounts due to equity accounted investees 39 10,023 30,131
Income tax payable 30 373,343 571,359 1,688 11,675
Current portion of long-term interest-bearing borrowings 25 2,662,252 1,584,541 1,096,096 476,667
Short-term interest-bearing borrowings 31 14,008,943 16,307,719 1,553,687 4,667,302
Liabilities directly associated with assets classified as held for sale 40 332 332
Total current liabilities 29,188,203 29,543,640 3,080,397 6,120,611
Total liabilities 45,017,524 41,318,440 7,404,662 7,403,325
Total equity and liabilities 81,354,790 74,743,326 15,673,477 15,550,106

It is certified that the Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with the requirements of the Companies Act No. 07 of 2007.

Dilhan De Silva
Group Chief Financial Officer
The Directors are responsible for the preparation and presentation of these Financial Statements.
Signed for and on behalf of the Board,

Mohan Pandithage
Chairman and Chief Executive
Sarath Ganegoda


19th May, 2014

Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of these Financial Statements.
Figures in brackets indicate deductions.